Thank you for your continued financial support.
Our programs and educational concerts rely on our patrons who value high quality chamber music in the concert hall and in our area schools.
Our educational programs have been creating learning opportunities for area students since 2006. Did you know that Concert To Go!, a no-cost program for elementary students, performs for over 2,000 students each year? In addition to reaching out to elementary students, the Tippecanoe Chamber Music Society gives performing opportunities to high school chamber players at our annual High School Showcase. Highly qualified and talented young musicians perform on our stage the week before they go to ISSMA’s State Contest every February. This gives them a chance to polish up their ensemble just prior to going in front of the adjudicators.
The Board of Directors are very supportive of these efforts because they know the value of music education for our community. Especially in times such as these where funding for extracurricular activities can sometimes get overlooked, it’s gratifying to be able to host these events.
We’re proud of our contribution to the youth in the community as well as the high-quality concerts we present each season. It takes time, talent and resources to sustain this wonderful organization. Please consider donating to TCMS today.